Employee Spotlight: Megha Sinha, talent acquisition and foodie

Employee spotlight Megha Sinha 2x

What’s your role at BrightInsight?

I am a Talent Acquisition professional at BrightInsight whose primary job is to find qualified candidates for BI and also in tandem work on recruitment operations, handling the onboarding process, ensuring that all the employees are well engaged to perform to their optimum.

Can you share a bit of background on yourself (where you grew up, where you went to school, etc.)?

I was born and raised in the state of Jharkhand, India. I did my schooling and post graduation as a Xaverian. I have worked in New Delhi and Pune; currently putting up in Bangalore with family.

What is your favorite food?

I am a foodie, someone who has refined interest in food—both cooking and eating.

As a person, I enjoy Italian food most but food that satiates my soul is anything cooked by my mom. :)

Where is your favorite place on Earth?

My favorite place on Earth is the place from where I belong, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Every visit fills me with so much warmth and affability that keeps us moving and refreshed in the hustle-bustle of city life.

Which of BrightInsight’s Values most resonates with you and why?

I would pick both Team and Agility because a great team really helps us grow and succeed and being nimble helps us expand our horizon and learn.

What is your favorite thing about working at BrightInsight?

My favorite thing about working at BrightInsight is the BI culture which ensures that all employees are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy. And also for the fact that all the Leaders support employees and respond to requests, offer encouragement and accommodate individual needs.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work, I love spending time with family and enjoy music.

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