Customer Context

  • Global biopharma company
  • Seeking leadership buy-in on digital vision & roadmap for a companion app to a novel, high-value therapeutic
  • Engaged BrightInsight to synthesize market research, create the vision story, define potential sources of value/returns, benchmark against analogues in market, and lay out the path to launch and success
Portfolio prioritization icon customer context

The Work

Leverage strategic frameworks to break-down critical components of a business case

  • Competitive Landscape
  • User/Buyer Segments
  • Product Market Fit
  • Stakeholder Value Prop
  • Market Sizing
  • Go-To-Market Strategy
  • Financial Value Story
  • Reimbursement Pathways
Value roi analysis

e.g., Value/ROI analysis

Project Outcome

  • Strategic market segmentation framework
  • Expected value to company from digital
  • Validated strategic rationale with user/buyer personas (via primary market research)
  • Expected stakeholder value proposition & returns to customer
  • High-level implementation plan & roadmap

"You guys did a phenomenal job…the story is really coming together…I cannot believe how great the content is."
SVP, Specialty Business

"I’m blown away by how thorough this is…"
Sr. Dir., Global Marketing

"The ROI story…is really helping clarify our most critical issues."
Sr. Dir., Customer Engagement, Digital

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