4 ways digital is changing the game for treatment selection in oncology

Cancer treatments are getting better every day—and new therapies are coming down the pipeline at a steady clip. According to PR Newswire, there are 62 breast cancer drugs on the market at the moment, and another 350 in the process of getting approved - a reason for patients and caregivers to have hope this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

EvaluatePharma found that oncology represents approximately 20% of global pharma sales, which is an incentive for biopharma companies to focus on bringing cancer treatment drugs to market. The impact of these treatments is far reaching, as the National Cancer Institute suggests that 40% of US adults will develop cancer at some point in their life.

With all the promising new treatments on their way to market, the challenge is making sure healthcare providers can make informed treatment decisions that take each individual patient’s needs into consideration.

With digital treatment selection solutions, clinicians can design a personalized care plan that considers the patient's insurance coverage, personal and health goals, lifestyle, and support system. With those factors in mind, the best treatment can be chosen from the plethora of available treatments—all of which have been shown to be effective in treating cancer. The result? Better patient outcomes.

“Part of the digitization we're talking about is education of oncologists—of what’s available to them in real time, as this is an evolving, fast-moving marketplace. Agnostic digital health tools that streamline the education and execution for every oncologist are where the real value lies.” - Joe Bernardo, Operating Partner, Linden Capital

So, how is BrightInsight leveraging digital to optimize treatment selection?

1. Data integration

Oncologists have a lot on their plate. Like other clinicians, they are expected to navigate a wide variety of data sources, platforms and logins. Integration is key; digital solutions (like our platform) can streamline the incoming data and integrate it with the oncologists' EHR. This will give them easy access to:

2. Data contextualization

There's a lot of data about new treatments, and oncologists can rely on algorithms to synthesize it all. These algorithms can provide predictive analytics when a patient's biomarkers and performance status are entered, helping the clinician to fine-tune the treatment plan. Digital solutions can:

3. Data aggregation

Individualized patient care is vital, particularly for cancer patients. Aggregating data with digital supports this individualized care by:

4. Data communication

Our platform empowers oncologists to communicate securely. Effective digital communication allows them to:

To learn more about how we can help care teams better match individual patients with the right treatment, download our recent white paper, 4 Ways Digital Can Transform Treatment Selection in Oncology.

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